


Till salu


Land for sale less than 60 meters from the sea. The total area of ??the land is 500 m2, there is an access road to the field.

This plot of land is located on the island of Solta in a small and largely undeveloped part of the island, the settlement is far from noise and is located in a small quiet settlement.

This plot of land offers you an ideal opportunity to build a house or villa according to your wishes, as well as complete privacy.

There are several vineyards nearby, as well as a small port for boats and sailboats.

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Šolta Šolta [email protected] Svenska Mäklarhuset


  • Pris: 100 000 EUR
  • Tomtarea: 500 kvm
  • Område: Split

100 000 EUR


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Ansvarig mäklare

Dragan Milinkovic

SMH Estate Kroatien

Välkommen till Šolta

Donje Selo is a picturesque, typical Mediterranean hamlet located by the main island road, near Srednje Selo.
Pay a short visit to the village on your way from Grohote to Maslinica or vice versa. Stroll through its stone-paved alleys and discover its secret corners. Today, it has an air of loveliness and simplicity due to a considerable number of stone houses restored for holiday renting.

We suggest you to go for a walk or ride along the biking trail,an alternative route to Maslinica, starting from Grohote and passing through Srednje Selo and Donje Selo.

There is also a tiny road leading from the village to the beautiful bay of Donja Krušica. Its inhabitants once made a living from fishing and farming. Today, they are mainly focused on producing olive oil and wine, while fishing became a hobby. With an increasing interest in tourism, Donja Krušica is gradually becoming a tourist destination that attracts more and more tourists each year.

The settlement dates back from the period of Antiquity. Numerous archaeological finds, such as the remains of a villa rustica, the walls of a rectangular building with a floor mosaic, discovered on the upland of Gradine, ancient stone mounds and graves, and the remains of the foundations of the early Christian church of St. Jela from the 6th century testify to the old times. The first historical records of the settlement date back to the beginning of the 16th century.

Here you can find the churches of St. Martin and St. Jela. The Parish Church of St. Martin is an old cemetery church that has seen several refurbishments over the years.

The inhabitants of Donje Selo have preserved a long tradition of venerating St. Martin. Archaeologists have found a record titled 'The Letter of St. Martin, Bishop of the City of Tours', of unknown age, which has been preserved owing to a pastor's transcript from the 19th century. The veneration of St. Martin on the island represents a valuable part of the related cross-European cultural heritage. The 'Foot of St. Martin' was attached to the Confraternity House in Donje Selo on 3 July 2010 to mark Šolta's joining the European Cultural Route 'Saint Martin of Tours'.

  • Island of Solta

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Split harbour

Om bostaden

Land for sale less than 60 meters from the sea. The total area of ??the land is 500 m2, there is an access road to the field.

This plot of land is located on the island of Solta in a small and largely undeveloped part of the island, the settlement is far from noise and is located in a small quiet settlement.

This plot of land offers you an ideal opportunity to build a house or villa according to your wishes, as well as complete privacy.

There are several vineyards nearby, as well as a small port for boats and sailboats.

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23 000 m
23 000 m
45 000 m
50 m
5 000 m
4 000 m
50 m


100 000 EUR


Allmänt om området

Split är en stad belägen vid Adriatiska havet i Kroatien och är den största staden i regionen Dalmatien. Split har en rik historia och kultur som sträcker sig över flera tusen år. Staden har också en livlig turistindustri och är känd för sin vackra kustlinje, antika ruiner, pulserande nattliv och utmärkta mat och vin.

Det finns flera olika områden i Split som är populära bland turister, inklusive den historiska stadskärnan med Diocletianus palats som är en UNESCOs världsarvslista, Bacvice-stranden som är en av stadens mest populära stränder och Marjan, en stor park med fantastisk utsikt över staden och havet.

När det gäller att köpa en bostad i Split, så finns det flera alternativ att välja mellan, inklusive lägenheter, hus och villor. Priserna varierar beroende på läge, storlek och skick på fastigheten. Det kan vara en bra idé att anlita en fastighetsmäklare som är specialiserad på att sälja fastigheter i Split-området, för att få professionell hjälp och rådgivning under processen.

Det är också viktigt att göra en grundlig forskning och jämföra olika fastigheter och priser för att hitta den bästa möjliga affären. Det kan också vara bra att tänka på viktiga faktorer såsom läget, tillgången till bekvämligheter och transport, och den allmänna marknadstrenden för fastigheter i området.


Splits flygplats, informellt kallad Resnik flygplats, är Kroatiens näst mest trafikerade flygplats. Flygplatsen är belägen utanför staden Kaštela, 6 km från Trogir och 25 km från Splits centrum.

Split är även det stora navet för båtar ut till den adriatiska skärgården


Dragan Milinkovic

"Jag hjälper dig gärna med en kostnadsfri värdering."

Dragan Milinkovic

SMH Estate Kroatien


Jag hjälper dig gärna med en kostnadsfri värdering.

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Split harbour

Split harbour
