Jesenice - Dugi Rat
Building land with project.SNABBFAKTA
- Pris: 250 000 EUR
- Tomtarea: 870 kvm
- Område: Makarskarivieran
250 000 EUR
Dragan Milinkovic
SMH Estate Kroatien- Telefon: +4673-5299825
- e-post:
- Kontor: Kroatien
Välkommen till Jesenice - Dugi Rat
Jesenice is a small town located on the coast between Split and Omis, known for its beautiful beaches and secluded coves. Jesenice is an ideal choice for a peaceful and relaxing holiday although it is only 15 kilometres from Split, the second largest city in Croatia. The place is known for its wooden sailing ships, the old tradition of over 300 years. That is why it is sometimes called the place of Onassis. In the past, these ships were called “salbunjera” which were used for the extraction of sand from the mouth of the rivers Cetina and Neretva; today the inhabitants turned to tourism and wooden sailing ships which are used for organized one-day and multi-day trips along the coast.
- Makarska Riviera
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Om bostaden
Allmänt om området
Makarskarivieran söder om Split på Kroatiens fastland sträcker sig cirka sju mil från staden Omis i norr till Gradac i söder, mellan det kristallklara havet och det blåskimrande bergsmassivet Biokovo. Brela, Baska Voda, Makarska, Tucepi, Podgora och Gradac är några av badorterna med pinjeträdskantade stenstränder

"Jag hjälper dig gärna med en kostnadsfri värdering."
Dragan Milinkovic
SMH Estate Kroatien