Luxury Villa With Panoramic Sea View.SNABBFAKTA
- Pris: 1 700 000 EUR
- Antal rum: 12 rum varav 4 sovrum
- Boarea: 350 kvm
- Tomtarea: 543 kvm
- Område: Makarskarivieran
1 700 000 EUR
Dragan Milinkovic
SMH Estate Kroatien- Telefon: +4673-5299825
- e-post:
- Kontor: Kroatien
Välkommen till OMIŠ
Omis Today
Today Omiš is a very popular tourist destination, the population of app. 15.000 more then triples in the main season, most tourist stay in private accommodation and family pensions as the number of hotels in the area is limited. Meanwhile tourism is the main income source for the city, but also farming, fishing, textile and food-processing industries can be found in the town.
In the winter half year the city is really quite, but every year in April/May, when the Sea is warm enough for most swimmers, life in Omiš starts to beat faster, many people from Split and the surrounding cities are dragged to the nice sandy beaches in Omiš. Also at this time of year, almost every day you can see hill climbers from different countries trying to climb the step cliffs behind the old town. And the river sport activities like rafting, canyoning etc. starts to be part of the daily program.
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Om bostaden
Allmänt om området
Makarskarivieran söder om Split på Kroatiens fastland sträcker sig cirka sju mil från staden Omis i norr till Gradac i söder, mellan det kristallklara havet och det blåskimrande bergsmassivet Biokovo. Brela, Baska Voda, Makarska, Tucepi, Podgora och Gradac är några av badorterna med pinjeträdskantade stenstränder

"Jag hjälper dig gärna med en kostnadsfri värdering."
Dragan Milinkovic
SMH Estate Kroatien