Pula House
House in the suburbs of Pula, in a quiet neighborhood,SNABBFAKTA
- Pris: 420 000 EUR
- Antal rum: 8 rum varav 3 sovrum
- Boarea: 220 kvm
- Tomtarea: 1 146 kvm
- Område: Istrien
420 000 EUR
Bojan Matosevic
Agent Istria- Telefon: +46704872015
- e-post: bojan.matosevic@smh.se
- Kontor: Kroatien
Silvio Matijevic
Agent Istria- Telefon: +38598400628
- e-post: silvio.matijevic@smh.se
- Kontor: Kroatien
Välkommen till Pula House
Pula, major port and industrial centre in western Croatia. It lies at the southern tip of Istria (peninsula) at the head of the Bay of Pula and has a large, almost landlocked harbour in which there is a naval base and the Uljanik shipyards.
Pula, Croatia
Conquered by Rome in the 2nd century BCE, Pula by the 2nd century CE was the seat of a Christian bishop, and in later centuries it was part of the territories of Byzantium, of the Franks, and of Venice. In 1380 the Genoese exacted revenge raids on Pula. For some 400 years Pula declined in importance, until the 19th century. Plagues reduced the population to only hundreds in the 1630s. Austria took the town in 1797; after 1866 it became the main harbour and arsenal of the Austro-Hungarian navy. It passed to Italy in 1920 and after 1947 became part of Croatia (then part of Yugoslavia).
Roman amphitheatre
Roman amphitheatre in Pula, Croatia.
The town’s outstanding monument is the elliptical Roman amphitheatre completed about 80 CE and seating 23,000. A temple of Augustus and a Byzantine basilica were extensively restored after the destructive conflict between Genoa and Venice. The Kaštel, on the hill at the centre of the old town, is a museum and was previously a fortress
- Pula
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Böljande gröna kullar, vingårdar, en romersk amfiteater och vackra medeltidsstäder – Istrien i norra Kroatien påminner mycket om grannen Italien på andra sidan Adriatiska havet fast betydligt billigare, här kan du se fram emot lägre priser och färre besökare. Denna natursköna halvö kallas ibland för det nya Toscana och har blivit ett allt populärare resmål de senaste åren. Här kan du hitta gamla amfibie teatrar och andra romerska lämningar. Något annat Istrien är känd för är det sin röda näringsrika jord som ger unika möjligheter till vin och olivoljor.

"Jag hjälper dig gärna med en kostnadsfri värdering."
Bojan Matosevic
Agent Istria